Table 5– Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis results for short-, mid- and long-term mortality
BiomarkerPatients nROC analysis
AUC (95% CI)p-value
30-day mortality224
 CRP*,#,¶0.593 (0.525–0.658)0.294
 WBC*,#,¶0.509 (0.442–0.577)0.927
 PCT*,#,¶0.627 (0.560–0.691)0.089
 MR-proADM0.859 (0.807–0.902)<0.0001
 PSI0.858 (0.805–0.901)<0.0001
 PSI + MR-proADM#0.914 (0.869–0.948)<0.0001
 CURB-650.851 (0.798–0.895)<0.0001
 CURB-65 + MR-proADM0.900 (0.853–0.936)<0.0001
90-day mortality220
 CRP*,#,¶0.542 (0.474–0.609)0.561
 WBC*,#,¶0.507 (0.439–0.576)0.926
 PCT*,#,¶0.597 (0.529–0.663)0.108
 MR-proADM0.825 (0.768–0.873)<0.0001
 PSI0.811 (0.753–0.860)<0.0001
 PSI + MR-proADM#0.862 (0.809–0.905)<0.0001
 CURB-650.832 (0.776–0.879)<0.0001
 CURB-65 + MR-proADM0.879 (0.828–0.919)<0.0001
180-day mortality218
 CRP*,#,¶0.552 (0.483–0.619)0.412
 WBC*,#,¶0.540 (0.471–0.607)0.567
 PCT*,#,¶0.585 (0.517–0.652)0.114
 MR-proADM0.792 (0.732–0.844)<0.0001
 PSI0.781 (0.720–0.834)<0.0001
 PSI + MR-proADM#0.822 (0.765–0.871)<0.0001
 CURB-650.802 (0.743–0.853)<0.0001
 CURB-65 + MR-proADM0.845 (0.790–0.891)<0.0001
1-yr mortality150
 CRP0.658 (0.576–0.734)0.030
 WBC*,#,¶0.636 (0.553–0.713)0.086
 PCT*,#,¶0.641 (0.558–0.718)0.054
 MR-proADM0.803 (0.731–0.864)<0.0001
 PSI0.793 (0.719–0.855)<0.0001
 PSI + MR-proADM#0.828 (0.758–0.885)<0.0001
 CURB-650.829 (0.759–0.886)<0.0001
 CURB-65 + MR-proADM0.870 (0.806–0.920)<0.0001
  • AUC: area under the curve; CRP: C-reactive protein; WBC: white blood cells; PCT, procalcitonin; MR: midregional; proADM: proadrenomedullin; PSI: Pneumonia Severity Index; CURB-65: confusion (abbreviated mental test score of ≤8), urea ≥7 mol·L−1, respiratory rate ≥30 breaths·min−1, blood pressure <90 mmHg systolic or <60 mmHg diastolic, and age ≥65 yrs; PSI + MR-proADM: logistic regression model combining MR-proADM levels with PSI risk score; CURB-65 + MR-proADM: logistic regression model combining MR-proADM levels with CURB-65 risk score. Bonferroni correction was applied (p≤0.00156). Bold indicates statistically significant p-values. *: p<0.05 for comparison of AUCs with that of MR-proADM; #: p<0.05 for comparison of AUCs with that of PSI; : p<0.05 for comparison of AUCs with that of CURB-65.