Table 4– Severity of disease in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) according to presence of hiatal hernia (HH) and use of anti-reflux medication in those with HH
IPF cohortSubjects nAge yrsFVC % predDL,CO % predCPI
HH absent4466.570.1±17.947.8±19.250.7±14.5
HH present3367.070.1±18.449.5±19.349.6±15.2
 Anti-reflux medication used1966.873.7±17.255.7±19.9#44.8±15.0
 Anti-reflux medication not used1467.265.1±19.540.9±15.0#56.0±13.5#
  • Data are presented as mean±sd, unless otherwise stated. None of the data were statistically significant. FVC: forced vital capacity; % pred: % predicted; DL,CO: diffusing capacity of the lung for carbon monoxide; CPI: composite physiologic index; ns: nonsignificant. #: 15 of the 16 subjects were taking anti-reflux medication.