Table 2– Comparison of acute lung injury (ALI) risk factors and risk modifiers between patients who did and did not develop ALI in a derivation cohort
Patient characteristicsALINo ALIp-value
Subjects n68341
 Age yrs68.0 (19.0–96.0)68.0 (18.0–97.0)0.69
 Female32 (47)154 (45)0.77
Predisposing conditions
 Sepsis14 (21)33(10)0.01
 Shock44 (65)120 (35)<0.001
 Trauma5 (7)13 (4)0.19
 Pneumonia9 (13)46 (13)0.96
 Aspiration7 (10)12 (4)0.015
 Pancreatitis1 (1)3 (1)0.65
 High-risk surgery
  Elective8 (12)23 (7)0.15
  Emergent25 (37)52 (15)<0.001
Risk modifiers
 Alcohol12 (18)14 (4)<0.001
 Smoking36 (53)139 (41)0.06
 Hypoalbuminaemia7 (10)6 (2)<0.001
 Diabetes13 (19)74 (22)0.63
  No sepsis10 (19)56 (18)0.95
  Sepsis3 (21)18 (55)0.05
 Chemotherapy1 (1)1 (0)0.20
 Oxygen supplementation >0.35#46 (68)148 (43)<0.001
 Tachypnoea18 (26)33 (10)<0.001
  • Data are presented as mean (interquartile range) or n (%), unless otherwise stated. Missing data: smoking (83% complete), alcohol (93% complete) and serum albumin (7% complete). Missing data were considered as negative. #: >4 L·min−1 nasal cannula;: respiratory rate, 30 breaths·min−1.