Table 1– Baseline characteristics of both cohorts
Patient characteristicsRetrospective derivation cohort#Prospective validation cohort
 Age yrs68.0 (57.0–78.0)68.0 (51–84)
 Female186 (45)243 (52)
Predisposing conditions
 Sepsis47 (11)257 (55)
 Trauma18 (4)27 (6)
 Shock164 (40)135 (29)
 Pneumonia55 (13)214 (46)
 Aspiration19 (5)44 (9)
 Pancreatitis4 (1)41 (9)
 High-risk surgery
  None308 (75)419 (90)
  Elective31 (8)16 (3)
  Emergent70 (17)32 (7)
Risk modifiers
 Alcohol26 (6)36 (8)
 Smoking175 (43)198 (42)
 Hypoalbuminaemia13 (3)58 (12)
 Diabetes87 (21)116 (25)
 Chemotherapy2 (0)31 (7)
 Oxygen supplementation >0.35 FI,O2+194 (47)126 (27)
 Tachypnoea§51 (12)47 (10)
  • Data are presented as mean (interquartile range) or n (%). Missing data: smoking (83% complete), alcohol (93% complete) and serum albumin (7% complete). Missing data were considered as negative. FI,O2: inspiratory oxygen fraction. #: intensive care unit, n = 409; : hospital, n = 467; +: >4 L·min−1 nasal cannula; §: respiratory rate, 30 breaths·min−1.