Table 1– Proportion of high and low tuberculosis (TB) burden primary care organisations (PCOs) that undertake further screening action in new entrants issued with different port notifications or referred from primary care
Low-TB burden PCOHigh-TB burden PCOOR (95% CI)p-value
Total PCOs n13542
Method of referral
 CXR abnormal#135 (100)42 (100)NANA
 CXR inconclusive/has not been undertaken108 (80.0)26 (61.9)0.41 (0.19–0.86)0.019
 CXR normal+84 (62.2)12 (28.6)0.24 (0.11–0.52)<0.0001
 Primary care52 (38.5)10 (23.8)0.50 (0.23–1.1)0.08
  • Data are presented as n (%), unless otherwise stated. CXR: chest radiography; NA: not applicable. #: CXR abnormal (port form 103); : CXR inconclusive/has not been undertaken (port form 102); +: CXR normal (port form 101).