Table 1– Items included in the Capacity of Daily Living during the Morning (CDLM) questionnaire and the Global Chest Symptoms Questionnaire (GCSQ)
ItemsResponse options
CDLM questionnaire
1) Did you wash yourself this morning other than your face i.e. body wash, shower or bathe?a, c
2) Did you dry yourself with a towel after washing this morning?a, c
3) Did you get dressed this morning?b, c
4) Did you eat breakfast this morning?b, c
5) Did you walk around your home early this morning after taking your medicine?b, c
6) Did you walk around your home later this morning?b, c
1) How short of breath are you feeling right now?d
2) How tight does your chest feel right now?d
  • Response options were as follows. a: “Yes, I did it by myself”; “Yes, but I needed help”; “No, I was unable to”; “No, I did not for other reasons”. b: “Yes, I did”; “No, I was unable to”; “No, I did not for other reasons”. c: If answering “yes”, subjects were asked to answer the follow-up question “How difficult was it for you to perform the task?” by selecting from the following response options “Not at all”, “A little”, “Moderately”, “Very” or “Extremely”. d: “Not at all”, “A little”, “Moderately”, “Very”, “Extremely”.