Table 2– Association of asthma phenotypes and early respiratory infection
PhenotypeSubjects nInfection prevalenceOR (95% CI)#
No asthma23166 (28.6)1.0 (reference)
Asthma268138 (51.1)2.49 (1.73–3.58)
Early-onset asthma16793 (55.7)2.86 (1.88–4.35)
Late-onset asthma10145 (44.6)2.09 (1.29–3.39)
Asthma persistent in adulthood12861 (47.7)2.14 (1.38–3.32)
Asthma remittent in adulthood10859 (54.6)2.93 (1.87–4.59)
  • Data are presented as n (%), unless otherwise stated. #: adjusted for age and sex; : subjects without asthma at EGEA1 were the reference group in all analyses.