Subject characteristics at study entry
Intervention group | Control group | |
Subjects | 23 | 15 |
Male | 13 | 6 |
Female | 10 | 9 |
Age yrs | 19.5±6.4 | 19.4±5.3 |
Height cm | 165.6±11.6 | 165.7±11.3 |
Body mass kg | 55.5±13.7 | 56.8±13.3 |
Sum of four skinfold measurements mm | 37.4±13.9 | 35.3±12.1 |
Body fat % | 17.8±7.4 | 17.2±6.5 |
Lean body mass kg | 45.3±11.0 | 47.0±11.7 |
FVC % pred | 81.5±13.1 | 88.2±16.3 |
FEV1 % pred | 69.1±17.2 | 75.6±21.9 |
RV/TLC % pred | 172.1±46.8 | 161.6±68.3 |
Vigorous physical activity h·week−1 | 4.31±2.68 | 6.27±2.93 |
V′O2,peak mL·min−1·kg−1 | 37.2±8.9 | 39.4±6.9 |
Wmax W·kg−1 | 2.81±0.58 | 2.98±0.62 |
PP W·kg−1 | 9.50±1.51 | 8.89±1.63 |
MP W·kg−1 | 6.59±1.19 | 6.38±1.16 |
Data are presented as n or mean±sd. FVC: forced vital capacity; % pred: % predicted; FEV1:forced expiratory volume in 1 s; RV: residual volume; TLC: total lung capacity; V′O2,peak: peak oxygen uptake; Wmax: power maintained over the final completed 1-min stage; PP: peak power; MP: mean power.