Table 34—

Recommendations for a pulmonary hypertension referral centre

Referral centres are required to provide care by a multiprofessional team (cardiology and respiratory medicine physicians, clinical nurse specialist, radiologists, psychological and social work support, appropriate on-call expertise)IC
Referral centres are required to have direct links and quick referral patterns to other services (such as CTD service, family planning service, PEA service, lung transplantation service, adult congenital heart disease service)IC
A referral centre should follow at least 50 patients with PAH or CTEPH and should receive at least two new referrals per month with documented PAH or CTEPHIIaC
Referral centres should perform at least 20 vasoreactivity tests in PAH patients per yearIIaC
Referral centres should participate in collaborative clinical research in PAH, which includes phase II and phase III clinical trialsIIaC
  • CTD: connective tissue disease; PEA: pulmonary endarterectomy; PAH: pulmonary arterial hypertension; CTEPH: chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension. #: class of recommendation; : level of evidence.