Table 3—

Multivariate linear regression models, with% low-attenuation areas < -950 Hounsfield units (HU) and AWT-Pi10 as dependent variables in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) cases and controls

COPD casesControls
% Low-attenuation areas < -950 HU#
 Subjects n462428
 Age per 10 yrs0.397±0.070<0.0010.450±0.065<0.001
 Pack-years per 10 pack-yrs0.085±0.039<0.050.011±0.048>0.05
 Smoking groups<0.05>0.05
   <10 cigarettes·day−1-0.181±0.200>0.05-0.349±0.181>0.05
   10–19.9 cigarettes·day−1-0.451±0.155<0.01-0.099±0.146>0.05
    ≥20 cigarettes·day−1-0.430±0.207<0.05-0.458±0.235>0.05
 Adjusted R20.14210.2159
 Subjects n438407
 Age per 10 yrs-0.004±0.001<0.05-0.003±0.001<0.05
 Pack-years per 10 pack-yrs-0.0002±0.0009>0.050.005±0.001<0.001
 Smoking groups<0.01>0.05
   <10 cigarettes·day−1-0.011±0.005<0.050.002±0.004>0.05
   10–19.9 cigarettes·day−10.007±0.004>0.05-0.007±0.003<0.05
   ≥20 cigarettes·day−10.005±0.005>0.05-0.001±0.005>0.05
 Adjusted R20.21210.2218
  • Data are presented as coefficient±se, unless otherwise stated. AWT-Pi10: airway wall thickness for an airway with an internal perimeter of 10 mm. #: log-transformed; : standardised measure of airway wall thickness.