Table 4—

Independent relationships between computed tomography measurements and the lung function measurements shown to correlate with mortality

ParametersRC (95% CI)#p-value
TLC % pred
Mosaicism0.41 (0.06–0.75)0.02
RV/TLC % pred log
 Wall thickness0.02 (0.01–0.02)<0.0005
 Mosaicism0.01 (0.01–0.02)0.001
KCO % pred
Emphysema-0.85 (-1.4– -0.30)0.003
  • RC: regression coefficient; CI: confidence interval; TLC: total lung capacity; % pred: % predicted; RV: residual volume; KCO: transfer coefficient of the lung for carbon monoxide. #: RC >0 describes a positive correlation between the parameter measurements, whereas RC <0 suggests a negative correlation; : log transformed (log 56.93) to correct for skewness.