Pre-BD | Post-BD | p-value | |
V′E L·min−1 | 11.036±3.465 | 12.053±3.731 | <0.001 |
VT L | 0.656±0.240 | 0.711±0.244 | 0.014 |
fR breaths·min−1 | 18.1±5.6 | 18.1±5.4 | 0.936 |
ti s | 1.375±0.473 | 1.373±0.540 | 0.975 |
ttot s | 3.747±1.525 | 3.743±1.633 | 0.968 |
ti/ttot | 0.376±0.057 | 0.375±0.055 | 0.723 |
VT/ti L·s−1 | 0.500±0.169 | 0.545±0.167 | <0.001 |
VT/tE L·s−1 | 0.299±0.095 | 0.327±0.108 | 0.001 |
R̄insp | 5.1±1.6 | 4.2±1.5 | <0.001 |
R̄exp | 6.2±2.5 | 5.8±2.7 | 0.036 |
R̄tot | 5.8±2.1 | 5.2±2.2 | 0.001 |
X̄insp | -2.3±1.2 | -1.8±1.1 | <0.001 |
X̄exp | -5.3±4.3 | -3.8±3.3 | 0.001 |
X̄tot | -4.3±3.3 | -3.1±2.5 | 0.001 |
ΔX̄rs | 2.9±3.4 | 2.0±2.5 | 0.004 |
R̄5–R̄19 | 1.8±1.0 | 1.2±0.9 | <0.001 |
Data are presented as mean±sd, unless otherwise indicated. Impedance data (R and X) are expressed as cmH2O·s·L−1. V′E: minute ventilation; VT: tidal volume; fR: respiratory frequency; ti: inspiratory time; ttot: total cycle duration; ti/ttot: inspiratory duty cycle; VT/ti: mean respiratory flow rate; VT/tE: mean expiratory flow rate; R̄insp: mean inspiration resistance; R̄exp: mean expiration resistance; R̄tot: mean whole breath resistance; X̄insp: mean reactance during inspiration; X̄exp; mean reactance during expiration: X̄tot: mean total reactance ; ΔX̄rs: mean difference in reactance; R̄5–R̄19: mean difference in resistances at 5 and 19 Hz.