Patient demographics
Subject no. | Sex | Age yrs | Height cm | Baseline FEV1 L | Baseline FEV1 % pred | Allergen | Allergen dilution# | Methacholine PC20 mg·mL−1 | Medication |
1 | M | 60 | 168 | 2.42 | 74 | Grass | 1:256 | 0.56 | Salb |
2 | F | 24 | 155 | 3.29 | 106 | HDM (Dp) | 1:256 | 2.5 | Salb |
3 | M | 30 | 178 | 3.41 | 77 | Cat | 1:256 | 0.34 | Salb |
4 | M | 25 | 180 | 4.25 | 91 | Grass | 1:64 | 1.4 | Salb |
5 | M | 24 | 185 | 3.49 | 71 | Grass | 1:128 | 1.7 | Salb/Bud |
6 | F | 47 | 168 | 2.47 | 84 | Cat | 1:128 | 7.0 | Salb |
7 | M | 58 | 180 | 3.44 | 90 | Cat | 1:128 | 1.3 | Salb |
8 | F | 26 | 165 | 3.75 | 110 | HDM (Df) | 1:64 | 11.7 | Salb |
9 | M | 23 | 183 | 5.22 | 107 | Cat | 1:32 | 5.3 | Salb |
10 | F | 44 | 173 | 3.72 | 122 | Cat | 1:4 | 5.6 | Salb/flonase |
Mean±sd | 36.1±14.8 | 173.5±9.7 | 3.55±0.81 | 93.2±17.3 | 2.27¶ |
Flonase was given at a dose of 2 squirts·nare−1·day−1. FEV1: forced expiratory volume in 1 s; % pred: % predicted; PC20: provocative concentration of methacholine causing a 20% fall in FEV1; M: male; F: female; HDM: house dust mite; Dp: Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus; Df: Dermatophagoides farinae; Salb: salbutamol p.r.n.; Bud: budesonide 400 μg·day−1. #: final concentration administered; ¶: geometric mean.