Table 3—

Effect of temperature on device# accuracy with respect to four tank gas/inspired volume (VI) combinations

Tank gas/VI combinationChange in absolute difference mL·min−1·mmHg−1 per 1°Cp-value+
VI 3.5 L, high CO-0.03±0.010.03
VI 3.5 L, low CO-0.002±0.010.87
VI 4.5 L, high CO-0.05±0.01<0.001
VI 4.5 L, low CO-0.009±0.010.44
  • Data are presented as least squared mean±se, unless otherwise stated. #: for measuring diffusing capacity of the lung for carbon monoxide (DL,CO); : between measured and target value of DL,CO; +: calculated for difference from zero.