Table 2—

Asthma control according to Global Initiative for Asthma

CharacteristicControlledPartly controlledUncontrolled
Daytime symptomsNone (twice or less per week)More than twice per weekThree or more features of partly controlled asthma present in any week
Limitations of activitiesNoneAnyThree or more features of partly controlled asthma present in any week
Nocturnal symptoms/awakeningNoneAnyThree or more features of partly controlled asthma present in any week
Need for reliever/rescue treatmentNone (twice or less per week)More than twice per weekThree or more features of partly controlled asthma present in any week
Lung function (PEF or FEV1)#Normal<80% pred or personal best (if known)Three or more features of partly controlled asthma present in any week
ExacerbationsNoneOne or more per yearOne in any week+
  • PEF: peak expiratory flow; FEV1: forced expiratory flow in one second; % pred: % predicted. #: not a reliable test for children 5 yrs of age and younger; : any exacerbation should prompt review of maintenance treatment to ensure it is adequate; +: an exacerbation in any week makes that an uncontrolled asthma week. Reproduced from 1 with permission from the publisher.