Table 3—

Single nucleotide polymorphisms selected forCD14 and IL13, source of information and minor allele frequencies in the pooled and separate cohorts

GeneRs numberAlleles#GenotypeSourcePooledPIAMAPREVASCKOALA
CD14rs2569190C/T-159C/TI.I., lit0.480.470.460.49
CD14rs2569191T/C-1145T/CI.I., lit0.480.470.470.49
CD14rs2915863T/C-1619T/CI.I., lit0.410.400.380.42
CD14rs5744455C/T-550C/TI.I., lit0.
IL13rs1295685C/T3′UTRlit, HM0.
IL13rs20541G/AArg130Glnlit, HM0.
  • Allele frequencies were similar between the cohorts (Chi-squared test; p>0.05) and genotypes were in Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium (p≥0.01). PIAMA: Prevention and Incidence of Asthma and Mite Allergy 15; PREVASC: Prevention of Asthma in Children 16, 17; KOALA: Child, Parent, Health, Focus on Lifestyle and Predisposition 18; IL: interleukin; UTR: untranslated region. I.I.: innate immunity website 26; lit: literature; HM: HapMap database 27. #: major alleles first, followed by minor alleles.