Table 1—

Characteristics of study sample and the subgroup of older current or ex-smokers#

Total populationSubgroup
Subjects n6597745934732543
Age yrs54.2±15.251.9±15.164.5±8.961.9±8.3
Age range %
 21–30 yrs7.39.3
 31–40 yrs13.915.5
 41–50 yrs18.
 51–60 yrs23.523.436.447.5
 61–70 yrs21.018.234.332.0
 71–80 yrs13.610.123.415.5
 ≥81 yrs2.
Height m1.77±0.081.65±0.071.75±0.011.63±0.06
Smoking status %
 Current smoker32.932.137.747.0
Respiratory symptoms %
 Exercise-related dysp+60.469.164.068.8
 Nocturnal dysp21.324.619.422.0
 Exacerbation(s) in past year37.647.135.847.7
 Pre-bronch L2.83±0.982.18±0.702.35±0.811.77±0.57
 Post-bronch L3.00±0.982.31±0.702.50±0.811.87±0.56
 Post-bronch % pred77.3±18.381.5±17.572.4±19.675.7±19.5
 Pre-bronch L3.97±1.062.87±0.773.49±0.912.47±0.62
 Post-bronch L4.09±1.032.94±0.753.62±0.882.55±0.60
 Post-bronch % pred83.0±14.283.6±13.980.7±15.381.6±15.1
  • Data are presented as mean±sd, unless otherwise indicated. dysp: dyspnoea; FEV1: forced expiratory volume in one second; bronch: bronchodilator; FVC: forced vital capacity; % pred: % predicted. #: 6,016 current or ex-smokers aged ≥50 yrs; : based on a 15% (n = 2,100) random sample of study subjects; +: ≥2 on UK Medical Research Council scale.