Table 2—

Correlation between changes in 6-minute walking distance and changes in haemodynamic parameters and chronotropic response observed after treatment#

Resting haemodynamics
ra mmHg0.930.000.701
pa mmHg−
 CI L·min−1·m−264.50.26<0.001
 SVi mL·m−
 PVRi mmHg·L−1·min·m−2−6.20.26<0.001
Sv,O2 %
Exercise haemodynamics
pa–CI slope mmHg·L−1·min·m−2−2.10.24<0.001
 Peak pa mmHg−0.990.020.373
 Peak CI L·min−1·m−240.70.34<0.001
 Isoflow pa mmHg−2.80.54<0.001
 Peak RVSWi g·m·m−2·beat−
Chronotropic response during the 6MWT beats·min−
  • Changes in haemodynamic and exercise parameters correspond to absolute changes. Similar correlation coefficients were obtained when relative changes were considered. ra: mean right atrial pressure; pa: mean pulmonary arterial pressure; CI: cardiac index; SVi: stroke volume index; PVRi: pulmonary vascular resistance index; Sv,O2: mixed venous oxygen saturation; RVSWi: right ventricular stroke work index; 6MWT: 6-min walking test. #: n = 42; : chronotropic response is the difference between peak heart rate during 6MWT and the resting heart rate measured before the 6MWT.