Table 1—

Clinical and haemodynamic characteristics of patients#

Before treatmentAfter treatmentp-value
WHO functional class
6MWD m399±88442±86<0.001
Resting haemodynamics
sa mmHg88±1288±150.804
fC beats·min−181±1183±110.156
ra mmHg8±58±40.625
pa mmHg55±1352±140.038
Ppao mmHg8±39±30.051
 CI L·min−1·m−22.56±0.692.85±0.65<0.001
 SVi mL·m−232±1035±100.015
 PVRi mmHg·L−1·min·m−219.4±6.616.3±6.4<0.001
Sv,O2 %63±864±80.114
Exercise haemodynamics
pa–CI slope mmHg·L−1·min·m−221.3±10.921.5±15.20.953
 Peak pa mmHg76±1676±170.817
 Peak CI L·min−1·m−23.71±1.244.29±1.26<0.001
 Isoflow pa mmHg73±1566±180.006
 Peak RVSWI g·m·m−2·beat−127±1330±110.034
  • Data are presented as n or mean±sd, unless otherwise specified. WHO: World Health Organization; 6MWD: 6-min walking distance; sa: mean systemic arterial pressure; fC: cardiac frequency; ra: mean right atrial pressure; pa: mean pulmonary arterial pressure; Ppao: pulmonary arterial occlusion pressure; CI: cardiac index; SVi: stroke volume index; PVRi: pulmonary vascular resistance index; Sv,O2: mixed venous oxygen saturation; RVSWI: right ventricular stroke work index. #: n = 42; : the workload at peak exercise was 20 W (n = 13), 30 W (n = 13) or 40 W (n = 16) before treatment and 20 W (n = 6), 30 W (n = 15) or 40 W (n = 21) after treatment.