Table 1—

Demographic data for subjects from the Melbourne Epidemiological Study of Childhood Asthma cohort from whom biopsies were obtained for immunohistochemistry and cell culture

ImmunohistochemistryCell culture
NonasthmaticMild asthma#Moderate asthma#Severe asthma#NonasthmaticAsthmatic
Subjects (M/F) n34 (21/13)38 (24/14)5 (4/1)14 (6/8)22 (15/7)25+ (16/9)
FEV1 % pred104 (96–115)102 (93–108)67 (66–71)**60 (57–74)***101 (98–110)97 (85–115)
Current smokers7149§670ƒ8252
Current treatment
 β2-adrenoceptor agonists074100100076
 Inhaled steroids03780100040
 Oral steroids0006400
  • Data presented as median (interquartile range) or %, unless otherwise stated. M: male; F: female; FEV1: forced expiratory volume in one second; % pred: % predicted. #: classified using Global Initiative for Asthma guidelines; : all asthmatics were combined for analysis since few biopsies from moderate or severe asthmatics were available for culture; +: 20 mild, four moderate and one severe asthmatic; §: smoking status unknown in 3%; ƒ: smoking status unknown in 14%. **: p<0.01; ***: p<0.001 for Kruskal–Wallis test followed by Dunn’s post hoc test.