Table 4—

Yield of screening and incidence of all tuberculosis(TB) cases during follow-up period (6–29 months) for individuals with abnormal chest radiography at entry#

Follow-up person-yrsScreenings in rounds 2–5 nTB patients nYield (95% CI)Incidence+ (95% CI)
DetectedFound passivelyTotal
Incidence in country of origin§
 <1001236730314411 (85–1201)324 (88–828)
 100–200132879193111138 (520–2160)828 (414–1482)
 >2006773635271377 (447–3215)1034 (416–2130)
Total3241188417623902 (526–1445)710 (450–1064)
  • CI: confidence interval. #: n = 1,412; : per 100,000 screenings in rounds 2–5; +: defined as number of cases detected through screening plus number of cases detected passively, per 100,000 person-yrs follow-up; §: estimated incidence of total TB per 100,000 individuals in 2002 according to the World Health Organization.