Table 1—

Inclusion criteria for the Evaluation of COPD Longitudinally to Identify Predictive Surrogate End-points (ECLIPSE) study

COPD subjectsControls
Male/female subjects aged 40–75 yrsMale/female subjects aged 40–75 yrs, who are free from significant disease as determined by history, physical examination and screening investigationsMale/female subjects aged 40–75 yrs, who are free from significant disease as determined by history, physical examination and screening investigations
Baseline post-bronchodilator FEV1 of <80% pred and FEV1/FVC of ≤0.7Baseline post-bronchodilator FEV1 of >85% pred and FEV1/FVC of >0.7Baseline post-bronchodilator FEV1 of >85% pred and FEV1/FVC of >0.7
Current or ex-smokers with a smoking history of ≥10 pack-yrs#Current or ex-smokers with a smoking history ≥10 pack-yrs#Nonsmokers with a smoking history of <1 pack-yr
Signed and dated written informed consent obtained prior to participationSigned and dated written informed consent obtained prior to participationSigned and dated written informed consent obtained prior to participation
Ability to comply with the requirements of the protocol and be available for study visits over 3 yrsAbility to comply with the requirements of the protocol and be available for study visits over 3 yrsAbility to comply with the requirements of the protocol and be available for study visits over 3 yrs
  • COPD: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; FEV1: forced expiratory volume in one second; % pred: % predicted; FVC: forced vital capacity. #: equivalent to, for example, 20 cigarettes·day−1 for 10 yrs or 10 cigarettes·day−1 for 20 yrs. 1 pack-yr = 1 pack (20 cigarettes)·day−1 for 1 yr.