Table 7—

Distribution of diagnoses among patients receiving long-term oxygen therapy in different studies

Miyamoto 169Waterhouse 170#,¶Chailleux 171Neri 172#
COPD13380 (41.0)285 (60.0)14349 (54.8)1041 (69.2)
Interstitial lung disease5272 (16.2)55 (11.5)3417 (13.1)169 (11.2)
Fibrosis post-TB8095 (24.8)10 (2.1)4147 (15.9)142 (9.4)
Bronchiectasis1217 (3.7)13 (3.5)1556 (5.9)89 (5.9)
Others (cancer, neuromuscolar, PH, not classified)4657 (14.3)150 (31.5)2671 (10.2)207 (13.8)
Total patients32621477261401504
  • Data are presented as n (%) or n. COPD: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; TB: tuberculosis; PH: pulmonary hypertension. #: total number of diagnoses is greater than the total number of patients because it was possible to fill in more than one category (e.g. COPD and bronchiectasis); : self reported. Studies are indicated as first author [Ref.].