Table 1—

Baseline characteristics of subjects completing the screening questionnaire(SQ), the main questionnaire (MQ) and pulmonary function tests (PFTs) to illustrate possible differences in subject characteristics by various phases of the study programme

Sex male1097 (47.3)514 (50.5)412 (54.4)
Wheezing in previous 12 months603 (26.0)227 (22.3)165 (21.8)
Cough without cold usually533 (23.0)247 (24.3)181 (23.9)
Cough 3 months each year544 (23.5)188 (18.5)141 (18.6)
Phlegm 3 months each year223 (9.6)125 (12.3)95 (12.5)
Breathing trouble ever587 (25.3)356 (35.0)261 (34.4)
Doctor-diagnosed chronic bronchitis198 (8.5)102 (10.0)75 (13.9)
Doctor-diagnosed emphysema34 (1.5)9 (0.9)6 (0.8)
Doctor-diagnosed asthma443 (19.1)243 (23.9)182 (24.0)
Current smoker279 (12.0)123 (12.1)96 (12.7)
Ex-smoker837 (36.1)427 (42.0)332 (43.8)
Response rate ≥45 yrs1613 (69.6)741 (72.9)557 (73.5)
Total n23191017758
  • Data are presented as n (%), unless otherwise stated.