Table 2—

Physicians guidelines for adjusting therapy

Phase 1 visits and adjustments to therapy each month or at exacerbations
  Administer when neededAdminister when needed
  No ICS and controlled
   No ICS addedIf sp-eos >2% add fluticasone 125 µg b.i.d. of equivalent, then treatment adjusted as for patients on ICS baseline.
If sp-eos ≤2% no ICS is added
  On ICS and controlled
   Reduce ICS two-fold each visit until an exacerbation or fluticasone discontinued (after 125 µg·day−1)If sp-eos >2% increase ICS dose two–four-fold
If sp-eos ≤2% reduce ICS two-fold each visit until sp-eos >2% or fluticasone discontinued (after 125 µg·day−1)
  When ICS reduction is followed by an exacerbation
   Increase ICS dose two–four-fold to regain control and return dose prior to deterioration, this is the MTIf sp-eos >2% increase ICS dose two–four-fold# for 2 weeks then reduce to 2-fold above the previous dose, this is the MT
  If on no ICS and uncontrolled
   Add fluticasone 125 µg b.i.d. or equivalent. Treatment adjusted as for patients on ICS at baselineIf sp-eos >2% add fluticasone 125 µg b.i.d. or equivalent. Then treatment adjusted as for patients with ICS at baseline. If sp-eos ≤2% increase bronchodilator treatment
  If on ICS and uncontrolled
   Increase ICS two–four-fold or add LABA or other treatments. When controlled treat as above for controlled asthmaIf sp-eos >2% increase ICS dose two–four-fold. When controlled treat as above for controlled asthma. If sp-eos ≤2% add LABA or other treatment
  Control with two–four-fold increase in dose# until controlled for 2 weeks then reduce to two-fold above exacerbation dose. An antibiotic can be added if purulent sputumIf sp-eos >2% control with two–four-fold increase in dose until controlled for 2 weeks then reduce to two-fold above exacerbation dose
If sp-eos ≤2% add or increase LABA dose if the exacerbation is not severe or add antibiotic if cell count suggests bacterial infection
Phase 2 visits and adjustments to therapy every 3 months and exacerbations
 Maintain minimum treatment+Maintain minimum treatment§
 Adjust treatment for exacerbations as in Phase 1Adjust treatment for exacerbations as in Phase 1 or for sp-eos >2% as in Phase 1
  • CS: clinical stategy; SS Sputum strategy; SABA: short acting β2-agonist; ICS: inhaled corticosteroid; sp-eos: sputum eosinophils; MT maintenance therapy; LABA: long acting β2-agonist. #: if exacerbation is considered severe by investigator a course of prednisone can be given; : If exacerbation is considered severe by investigator a course of prednisone can be given; +: maintenance could be readjusted if persistent clinical deterioration or if ICS dose was considered to be too high; §: maintenance could be readjusted if there was a persistent eosinophilia or if ICS dose was considered to be too high.