Table. 2—

Incidence and risk of hospitalisation for pneumonia, overall pneumonia, death from pneumonia and death from any cause in relation to pneumococcal vaccination status#

Hospitalisation for pneumoniaOverall pneumonia+Death from pneumonia§Death from all causesƒ
Unadjusted incidence rate per 1000 persons-yrs
Age and sex-adjusted hazard ratio for all subjects1.091.170.760.79
 95% CI0.84–1.430.93–1.420.41–1.450.69–0.91
Multivariate adjusted hazard ratio for all subjects0.810.850.280.67
 95% CI0.51–1.300.56–1.310.09–0.800.54–0.83
  • CI: confidence interval. #: the multivariate hazard ratios are for vaccinated subjects as compared with unvaccinated subjects and were adjusted by the following. : adjusted for sex, age, obesity, chronic lung disease, immunocompromised status and receipt or nonreceipt of influenza vaccine the previous year; +: adjusted for sex, age, chronic lung disease, chronic cardiopathy, immunocompromised status, obesity and receipt or nonreceipt of influenza vaccine the previous year; §: adjusted for age, immunocompromised status and receipt or nonreceipt of influenza vaccine the previous year; ƒ: adjusted for sex, age, chronic lung disease, immunocompromised status and presence or absence of hypertension. The categorisation of age was 65–74 yrs, 75–84 yrs or >84 yrs.