Table 1—

Clinical characteristics and spirometric values of the three study groups

AsthmaPost-infectious bronchiolitis obliteransControl
Patients n (M/F)30 (17/13)28 (16/12)25 (12/13)
Age yrs9.5±1.88.2±1.29.3±2.9
Atopy n (%)23 (76.7)13 (46.4)+11 (44.0)
Blood eosinophils µL−1487±332248±223+252±132
FEV1# methacholine challenge91.2±19.977.6±21.1¶,+95.9±15.2
FEV1# AMP challenge92.5±16.178.0±18.9¶,+95.7±14.1
  • Data are presented as mean±sd, unless otherwise stated. M: male; F: female; FEV1: forced expiratory volume in one second; AMP: adenosine 5′-monophosphate. Atopy was defined as the presence of at least one positive reaction (>3 mm weal diameter) to a battery of 12 common airborne allergens. #: pre-test baseline values (% predicted); : p<0.05 versus control group; +: p<0.05 versus asthma group.