Table. 15—

Recommended treatment options for patients with severe community-acquired pneumonia (C4)

No risk factors for P. aeruginosa
 Nonantipseudomonal cephalosporin III + macrolide or
 Nonantipseudomonal cephalosporin III + (moxifloxacin or
Risk factors for P. aeruginosa
 (Anti-pseudomonal cephalosporin or
 Acylureidopenicillin/β-lactamase inhibitor or
 Carbapenem) + ciprofloxacin#
  • P. aeruginosa: Pseudomonas aeruginosa. #: evidence in favour of combination therapy for P. aeruginosa remains inconclusive. Aminoglycoside therapy is associated with increased toxicity and monotherapy often leads to the development of resistance against that antibiotic. Therefore, combination therapy with a β-lactam plus a fluoroquinolone is advocated.