Table. 3—

Study drug cost(\#8364;#) per patient per yr

CountrySAL/FLU + salbutamolBUD/FORM maintenance + as neededBetween-group difference (95% CI)% difference
Cost·inhalation−1 SAL/FLU 50/100–50/500 µgCost·inhalation−1 salbutamol+Total cost·yr−1Cost·inhalation−1Total cost·yr−1
Italy0.77–1.450.028150.5883520 (1–40)+2
France0.71–1.170.036650.4869126 (11–43)+3
UK0.81–1.060.037010.46668−33 (−48– −17)−5
Germany0.81–1.720.079100.57821−89 (−111– −67)−10
  • SAL/FLU: salmeterol/fluticasone; BUD/FORM: budesonide/formoterol; CI: confidence interval. #: GBP £1 = \#8364;1.45 (December 3, 2004); : the costs presented relate to drugs only and do not include healthcare utilisation; +: patients were allowed to use salbutamol via dry-powder inhaler in some countries and via pressurised metered-dose inhaler in other countries. The cost used in this estimation is based on the relative use of dry-powder inhaler and pressurised metered-dose inhaler in the respective countries.