ATPD | Ambient temperature, ambient pressure, and dry |
ATPS | Ambient temperature and pressure saturated with water vapour |
BTPS | Body temperature (i.e. 37°C), ambient pressure, saturated with water vapour |
C | Centigrade |
CFC | Chlorofluorocarbons |
cm | Centimetres |
COHb | Carboxyhaemoglobin |
DL,CO | Diffusing capacity for the lungs measured using carbon monoxide, also known as transfer factor |
DL,CO/VA | Diffusing capacity for carbon monoxide per unit of alveolar volume, also known as KCO |
DM | Membrane-diffusing capacity |
DT | Dwell time of flow >90% of PEF |
EFL | Expiratory flow limitation |
ERV | Expiratory reserve volume |
EV | Back extrapolated volume |
EVC | Expiratory vital capacity |
FA,X | Fraction of gas X in the alveolar gas |
FA,X,t | Alveolar fraction of gas X at time t |
FEF25-75% | Mean forced expiratory flow between 25% and 75% of FVC |
FEFX% | Instantaneous forced expiratory flow when X% of the FVC has been expired |
FEV1 | Forced expiratory volume in one second |
FEVt | Forced expiratory volume in t seconds |
FE,X | Fraction of expired gas X |
FIFX% | Instantaneous forced inspiratory flow at the point where X% of the FVC has been inspired |
FI,X | Fraction of inspired gas X |
FIVC | Forced inspiratory vital capacity |
FRC | Functional residual capacity |
FVC | Forced vital capacity |
H2O | Water |
Hb | Haemoglobin |
Hg | Mercury |
Hz | Hertz; cycles per second |
IC | Inspiratory capacity |
IVC | Inspiratory vital capacity |
KCO | Transfer coefficient of the lung (i.e.DL,CO/VA) |
kg | Kilograms |
kPa | Kilopascals |
L | Litres |
L·min−1 | Litres per minute |
L·s−1 | Litres per second |
lb | Pounds weight |
MEFX% | Maximal instantaneous forced expiratory flow where X% of the FVC remains to be expired |
MFVL | Maximum flow–volume loop |
mg | Milligrams |
MIF | Maximal inspiratory flow |
mL | Millilitres |
mm | Millimetres |
MMEF | Maximum mid-expiratory flow |
ms | Milliseconds |
MVV | Maximum voluntary ventilation |
PA,O2 | Alveolar oxygen partial pressure |
PB | Barometric pressure |
PEF | Peak expiratory flow |
PH2O | Water vapour partial pressure |
PI,O2 | Inspired oxygen partial pressure |
θ (theta) | Specific uptake of CO by the blood |
RT | Rise time from 10% to 90% of PEF |
RV | Residual volume |
s | Seconds |
STPD | Standard temperature (273 K, 0°C), pressure (101.3 kPa, 760 mmHg) and dry |
TB | Tuberculosis |
TGV (or VTG) | Thoracic gas volume |
tI | Time taken for inspiration |
TLC | Total lung capacity |
Tr | Tracer gas |
ttot | Total time of respiratory cycle |
VA | Alveolar volume |
VA,eff | Effective alveolar volume |
VC | Vital capacity |
Vc | Pulmonary capillary blood volume |
VD | Dead space volume |
VI | Inspired volume |
VS | Volume of the expired sample gas |
μg | Micrograms |