Table. 3—

Summary statistics and statistical comparisons between the early gastrostomy group and the control group regarding secondary outcome measures

Secondary outcome measuresEarly gastrostomy groupControl groupp-value
Subject n2021
Length of stay in ICU days38.5±14.238.5±13.4>0.05
Duration of mechanical ventilation days37.3±13.737.6±12.8>0.05
ICU mortality no. deaths4 (20)#6 (28.5)>0.05
ICU mortality attributed to VAP no. deaths1 (5)1 (4.7)>0.05
  • Data are presented as mean±sd or n (%). ICU: Intensive care unit; VAP: ventilator-associated pneumonia. #: causes of death: brain death (2), heart failure (1), VAP-associated acute lung injury (1); : causes of death: brain death (1), heart failure (1), pulmonary embolism (1), VAP (1), mesenteric artery embolism (1), disseminated candidiasis (1).