Table. 1—

Demographic and other baseline characteristics of the control and intervention groups stratified for sex

Subjects n222221118111104110
Age yrs mother30.9±3.831.0±3.631.1±4.130.7±3.730.7±3.531.3±3.4
Low education# mother2 (14.5)20 (9.0)17 (14.4)12 (10.8)15 (14.6)8 (7.3)
Family history of asthma
 Father84 (38.0)80 (36.5)48 (41.0)36 (32.7)36 (34.6)44 (40.4)
 Mother118 (53.4)111 (50.7)60 (51.3)59 (53.6)58 (55.8)52 (47.7)
 Siblings83 (60.1)95 (68.3)43 (59.7)46 (65.7)40 (60.6)49 (71.0)
Birth weight3387 (528)3475 (583)3438 (569)3492 (624)3329 (474)3465 (538)
Pregnancy duration weeks39.7 (1.7)39.7 (1.6)39.6 (1.8)39.7 (1.8)39.7 (1.4)39.7 (1.6)
Delivery at home71 (32.0)81 (36.7)34 (28.8)46 (41.8)37 (35.6)35 (31.8)
Uncomplicated delivery172 (77.8)168 (76.0)85 (72.6)81 (73.6)87 (83.7)86 (78.2)
Age house ≤20 yrs101 (47.4)120 (54.8)52 (45.6)59 (53.6)49 (49.5)61 (56.0)
First-born87 (39.2)85 (38.3)46 (39.0)43 (38.7)41 (39.4)41 (37.3)
Day-care attendance78 (38.2)70 (36.6)41 (36.9)34 (36.2)37 (39.8)36 (37.1)
Born in spring/summer108 (49.5)112 (50.5)54 (45.8)55 (49.5)53 (51.0)59 (53.6)
Exposure at baseline
 Der p1 ng·m−2 (IQR)148 (1421)+79 (474)***136 (1670)+88 (484)**193 (1617)+65 (380)**
 Fel d1 ng·m−2 (IQR)94 (244)73 (288)96 (285)83 (362)96 (288)69 (278)
 Can f1 ng·m−2 (IQR)34 (274)39 (258)26 (356)40 (533)42 (255)42 (184)
Smoking mother28 (14.1)32 (15.7)16 (15.1)22 (22.0)12 (12.9)10 (9.6)
Smoking father46 (24.1)46 (23.5)24 (24.0)28 (29.2)22 (24.2)18 (18.0)
Presence of cat or dog62 (31.5)71 (34.9)35 (32.7)39 (39)27 (29.3)32 (31.7)
  • Data are presented as n (%) or mean±sd, unless otherwise stated. #: only primary school; : calculated as the mean level of the median amount of the specific allergen levels in dust from parental and infant mattresses and living room floor. **: p<0.01; ***: p<0.001; +: statistically significant, intervention versus control group.