Table. 3—

Hypoxia inhalation test: blood gas levels and oxygen saturation at 530 m before and after inhalation of 15% oxygen for 15 min

Subjects nBeforeAfterp-value
Pa,O2 kPa239.6 (7.4–12.0)6.9 (5.5–8.2)<0.001
Pa,CO2 kPa234.9 (4.1–6.0)5.0 (3.7–5.6)0.03
Sa,O2 %2395 (88–98)89 (82–94)<0.001
  • Data are presented as median (range), unless otherwise stated. Pa,O2: arterial oxygen tension; Pa,CO2: arterial carbon dioxide tension; Sa,O2: arterial oxygen saturation.