Table 2

Correlation analysis between plasma KL‐6 concentration (early sample) and illness severity scores and respiratory/ventilatory parameters (recorded at time of early sample collection)

Clinical parameterCorrelation with plasma KL‐6 units·mL−1
SOFA scorep=0.35, r=0.18
Oxygenation index cmH2O·mmHg−1p<0.01, r=0.57
Pa,O2:Fi,O2 ratio kPap<0.05, r=−0.39
Pa,CO2 kPap=0.83, r=0.04
Tidal volume mL·kg pred body weight−1p=0.06, r=0.37
Peak airway pressure cmH2Op<0.01, r=0.54
Mean airway pressure cmH2Op<0.05, r=0.51
PEEP cmH2Op=0.14, r=0.30
  • SOFA: Sequential Organ Failure Assessment

  • Pa,O2: arterial oxygen tension

  • Fi,O2: inspiratory oxygen fraction

  • Pa,CO2: arterial carbon dioxide tension

  • PEEP: positive end-expiratory pressure