Table 4—

Indications and contraindications for lung volume reduction surgery

IndicationsRelative contraindications
Age <75 yrsAge >75 yrs
Disability despite maximal medical treatment including pulmonary rehabilitationComorbid illness with 5‐yr mortality >50%
Exsmoker (>3 months)Severe obesity or cachexia
Surgical constraint
α1‐Antitrypsin deficiency
FEV1 <35% predFEV1 >40% pred
RV/TLC >60%RV <150% pred
TL,CO <20–40% predTLC <100% pred
6MWD >300 mIncreased inspiratory resistance
TL,CO <20% pred
Pa,CO2 >55 mmHg
6MWD <300 m
MPAP >35 mmHg
Severe heterogeneous emphysema on CT with upper lobe predominanceMinimal emphysemaSevere homogeneous emphysema
  • FEV1: forced expiratory volume in one second

  • RV: residual volume

  • TLC: total lung capacity

  • TL,CO: transfer factor of the lung for carbon monoxide

  • 6MWD: 6‐min walking distance

  • Pa,CO2: arterial carbon dioxide tension

  • MPAP: mean pulmonary artery pressure

  • CT: computed tomography

  • pred: percentage of the predicted value

  • (1 mmHg=0.133 kPa)