Table 1

Cardiac catheterisation results from patients 1 and 2 at baseline and at maximum infused dose of prostacyclin (max. PGI2)

Patient 1Patient 2Patient 2 repeat#
BaselineMax. PGI2BaselineMax. PGI2Baseline
Ppcw mmHg88131710
Ppa pressure S/D/m mmHg94/38/58103/41/6371/32/4860/29/4139/18/28
Pra pressure mean mmHg111620189
Systemic BP S/D/m mmHg109/69/79103/71/79111/66/75102/57/73110/68/76
Cardiac output L·min−
PVR dyne·s−1·cm−511111048424263197
ShuntNo evidenceNo evidence
  • Ppcw: pulmonary capillary wedge pressure

  • Ppa: pulmonary artery pressure (systolic/ diastolic/mean)

  • Pra: right atrial pressure

  • BP: blood pressure (systolic/diastolic/mean)

  • PVR: pulmonary vascular resistance

  • #: repeat cardiac catheterisation on patient 2 after 8 months of bosentan and rituxen therapy