Table 2

Percentage and concentration of nonsquamous cells and mediators in induced sputum of 21 waste collectors

Induced sputum parametersMondayThursday
Total cells×106·mL−11.39 (0.43–7.10)2.35 (0.26–11.64)
Macrophages×106·mL−10.65 (0.22–3.41)0.95 (0.13–3.62)
Neutrophils×106·mL−10.50 (0.08–4.90)1.23* (0.12–7.95)
Eosinophils×106·mL−10.002 (0–0.05)0.007* (0–0.05)
Lymphocytes×106·mL−10.004 (0–0.28)0.005 (0–0.08)
Macrophages %53 (21–96)40 (10–79)
Neutrophils %46 (4–75)58* (22–90)
Eosinophils %0.2 (0–1.2)0.3 (0–4.3)
Lymphocytes %0.2 (0–1.5)0.3 (0–1.5)
IL-8 ng·mL−11.14 (0.05–32.12)1.40* (0.06–51.36)
ECP ng·mL−160.9 (4.8–523)71.7 (8.0–1800)
  • Data are presented as median (range)

  • IL: interleukin

  • ECP: eosinophil cationic protein

  • *: p<0.05 significance level between Thursday and Monday (Wilcoxon signed-rank test)