Table 1—

Characteristics of the asymptomatic tobacco smokers and nonsmokers

Young population n2531
 Age yrs29 (18–50)34 (21–50)ns
 Serum creatinine mg·dL−11.34 (0.99–1.76)1.36 (0.95–1.76)ns
 Cumulative smoking pack-yrs14.9 (2.5–54.0)
 Current smoking cigarettes·day−119 (3.5–70)
Old population n4423
 Age yrs54 (50–60)54 (53–60)ns
 Serum creatinine mg·dL−11.05 (0.78–1.52)1.06 (0.79–1.37)ns
 Cumulative smoking pack-yrs30.8 (0.8–78.0)
 Current smoking cigarettes·day−117 (1–40)
FEV1/VC0.85 (0.70–0.99)0.85 (0.70–0.92)ns
 95th percentile0.69 (0.67–0.70)0.68 (0.67–0.70)ns
VC4.40 (3.29–6.68)4.27 (2.91–5.42)ns
 % pred94 (73–132)89 (51–110)ns
 95th percentile3.34 (2.19–3.96)3.27 (2.65–3.79)ns
FVC3.94 (2.75–6.23)3.73 (2.28–5.02)ns
 % pred101 (78–136)96 (68–128)ns
 95th percentile3.43 (2.19–4.09)3.36 (2.69–3.93)ns
FEV13.32 (2.43–4.68)3.05 (1.87–3.99)0.04
 % pred99 (71–125)93 (53–119)ns
 95th percentile2.56 (1.7–3.02)2.53 (2.02–2.93)ns
PEF462 (239–614)445 (263–577)ns
 % pred92 (47–126)96 (50–111)ns
 95th percentile311 (235–350)308 (263–342)ns
FEF256.69 (2.41–9.89)5.84 (2.67–8.19)ns
 % pred91 (32–136)65 (35–107)ns
FEF504.43 (2.42–7.07)3.60 (1.73–5.27)0.005
 % pred93 (55–166)84.5 (37–112)ns
FEF751.66 (0.76–3.19)1.41 (0.53–2.95)0.03
 % pred88 (40–200)79 (33–164)ns
FEF25–755.02 (2.41–8.22)4.87 (1.52–6.42)ns
 % pred90 (40–147)87 (27–114)ns
 95th percentile3.92 (3.37–4.32)3.93 (3.61–4.12)ns
  • Data are presented as median (range)

  • The data have been stratified into those that underwent lung function testing (old population, age ≥50 yrs) and those that did not (young population, age <50 yrs)

  • FEV1: forced expiratory volume in one second

  • VC: vital capacity: FVC: forced VC

  • PEF: peak expiratory flow

  • FEF25, FEF50, FEF75: forced expired flow measured with a peak flow meter at 25%, 50% and 75% of expired volume respectively

  • FEF25–75: average forced expired flow between 25% and 75% of expired volume

  • % pred: percentage predicted

  • The associated 5th percentiles (95th percentile) that define the lower limits of normal are shown for FEV1/VC, VC, FVC, PEF, and FEF25–75

  • Significant and nonsignificant (ns) differences between the nonsmokers and smokers are depicted