Table 1

Baseline characteristics of 143 patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Sex M:F139:4
Age yrs68.6±7.0 (48–89)
Smokers former:current99:44
BMI kg·m−220.6±2.8 (13.5–28.0)
Prebronchodilator FEV1 L1.16±0.52 (0.21–2.95)
Prebronchodilator FEV1 % pred43.7±18.1 (7.9–89.8)
Prebronchodilator FVC % pred72.9±18.5 (29.6–125.0)
Postbronchodilator FEV1 L1.39±0.55 (0.34–3.20)
Postbronchodilator FEV1 % pred52.8±19.6 (13.6–98.3)
Postbronchodilator FVC % pred92.7±22.6 (31.4–143.1)
Vital capacity L2.99±0.74 (1.18–5.69)
Total lung capacity L5.84±1.04 (2.86–8.87)
Total lung capacity % pred107.8±16.8 (53.8–154.6)
KCO mmol·min−1·kPa−1·L−11.28±0.52 (0.54–3.17)
KCO % pred84.8±26.0 (37.0–179.7)
 Dyspnoea (5–35)25.1±6.3 (11–35)
 Fatigue (4–28)19.4±4.7 (6–28)
 Emotional function (7–49)38.0±7.1 (17–49)
 Mastery (4–28)21.0±4.2 (8–28)
 Total (20–140)103.6±19.2 (52–140)
  • Data are presented as mean±sd (range) unless otherwise stated. The numbers in parentheses indicate the theoretical score range

  • M: male

  • F: female

  • BMI: body mass index

  • FEV1: forced expiratory volume in one second

  • % pred: % predicted

  • FVC: forced vital capacity

  • KCO: carbon monoxide transfer coefficient

  • CRQ: Chronic Respiratory Disease Questionnaire