Odds ratios (or) for being employed at follow­up

VariableOR95% CI
Age yrs***0.910.87–0.95
Level of education#
 ≤9 yrs, 10–12 yrs, >12 yrs2.211.25–3.89
SIC result
 positive versus negative0.620.27–1.45
Asthma­severity score 28­point scale0.910.78–1.06
Log PC20 Loge unit0.910.75–1.12
Time elapsed since onset of work­related symptoms months0.990.99–1.02
Company size
 number of workers ≤10, 10–100, >1000.980.60–1.62
  • CI: confidence interval

  • SIC: specific inhalation challenge

  • PC20: provocation concentration causing a 20% fall in forced expiratory volume in one second

  • ***: p<0.001

  • #: p=0.006