Employment, exposure, and income status at follow­up

Occupational asthmaSubjects with negative SIC
Subjects n8671
Asthma­related work disability#,ƒ62 (72)38 (54)
Working status
 Currently working53 (62)38 (54)
  Same job, same employer18 (21)17 (24)
  Same job, different employer4 (5)3 (4)
  Different job, same employer13 (15)7 (10)
  Different job, different employer18 (21)11 (15)
 Not working33 (38)33 (46)
  Unemployment22 (26)15 (21)
  Chronic sick leave9 (10)7 (10)
  Retirement2 (2)11 (15)§
Exposure to the causal agent##
 Cessation of exposure58 (67)51 (72)
 Reduction of exposure22 (26)6 (8)
 Persistence of exposure6 (7)14 (20)
Income status
 Perceived change in income
  No reduction31 (36)26 (37)
  Slight reduction9 (10)6 (8)
  Major reduction45 (52)36 (51)
 Actual reduction in income % from initial22 (0–44)23 (0–41)
Compensation status
 Claim for compensation***83 (96)55 (78)
 Receiving compensation75 (92)2 (3)
 Income loss offset by compensation10/45+ (22)1/2
  • SIC: specific inhalation challenge

  • Data are presented as n (%) unless otherwise stated

  • #: defined as ever having changed jobs or left work due to asthma

  • : median (25th–75th percentiles)

  • : number of subjects who reported a loss of income and who answered this question

  • §: p=0.005 when comparing the proportion of retired workers in both groups

  • ƒ: p=0.016

  • ##: p = 0.003

  • ***: p<0.001 comparing subjects with occupation asthma and those with negative SIC