Demographic characteristics at initial assessment

Occupational asthmaSubjects with negative SIC
Subjects n8671
Sex female33 (38)25 (35)
Age yr#,¶35 (32–47)46 (34–54)
Education level
 ≤9 yrs22 (26)25 (36)
 10–12 yrs33 (38)33 (47)
 >12 yrs31 (36)12 (17)
Unskilled labour§31 (36)43 (61)
Smoking habitsƒ
 Smokers8 (9)13 (18)
 Exsmokers21 (24)25 (35)
Atopy52 (60)38 (53)
Referral by WCB51 (59)46 (64)
Agents suspected of causing symptoms n
 Wood dust911
 Metals, welding101
 Paints, resins, glues112
 Persulphate salts31
 Various chemical agents65
 Various animal or vegetal agents20
  • Data are presented as n (%) unless otherwise stated

  • SIC: specific inhalation challenge

  • WCB: Workers Compensation Board

  • #: median (25–75th percentiles)

  • : p=0.05

  • +: p=0.018

  • §: p=0.002

  • ƒ: p=0.038 comparing subjects with occupational asthma and those with negative S/C