Table 5—

Combined effects of α1-antitrypsin (α1-AT) plasma levels and exposure to environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) on pulmonary function

α1-AT normal ETS unexposed133199.8±0.399.7±0.3100.1±0.2101.0±0.5100.3±0.599.3±0.699.0±0.999.1±0.7
α1-AT normal ETS exposed226102.3±0.7101.5±0.799.4±0.598.0±1.397.4±1.299.0±1.5100.3±2.199.9±1.7
α1-AT low ETS unexposed55101.8±1.4100.4±1.498.7±0.996.7±2.693.9±2.692.6±3.196.6±4.496.8±3.4
α1-AT low ETS exposed1092.3±3.3#88.5±3.3#96.4±2.192.6±6.194.7±6.079.4±7.2#67.4±10.0#73.7±8.6#
  • Data are presented as % predicted; least square mean±se

  • FVC: forced vital capacity

  • FEV1: forced expiratory volume in one second

  • PEF: peak expiratory flow

  • MEF75, MEF50 and MEF25: maximum expiratory flow at 75%, 50% and 25% of vital capacity, respectively

  • MMEF: maximal midexpiratory flow

  • α1-AT normal: >116 mg·dL−1

  • α1-AT low: ≤116 mg·dL−1

  • ETS unexposed: <10 cigarettes smoked per day at home

  • ETS exposed: ≥10 cigarettes smoked per day at home

  • #: p<0.05 in two-way ANOVA: children with α1-AT low and ETS exposed in comparison to children with α1-AT normal and ETS exposed

  • : p<0.05 in two-way ANOVA: children with α1-AT low and ETS unexposed in comparison to children with α1-AT normal and ETS unexposed

  • p-values corrected for multiple comparisons with the stepwise Bonferroni method 20