Table 2—

Pearson correlations between Sickness Impact Profile (SIP) overall, SGRQ total scores, forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1) with other outcome measures

SIP OverallSGRQ TotalFEV1
Outcome measurecorrelationOutcome measurecorrelationOutcome measureCorrelation
P a,O2 ns P a,CO2 nsHADS anxietyns
P a,CO2 nsSIP WorknsSIP emotional behaviourns
HADS anxiety0.28* P a,O2 nsSIP workns
SGRQ symptoms0.31**SIP alertness behavior0.28*SIP alertness behaviourns
FEV10.32**SIP communication0.31**HADs depressionns
TLCO0.35**HADS anxiety0.36**SGRQ symptomsns
MACL0.52***FEV10.42***SIP psychosocial dimensionns
HADS depression0.57***VC0.44***SIP sleep and restns
6MWD0.62***SIP recreation/pastimes0.46***SIP body care/movementNs
SGRQ activity0.64***SIP emotional behavior0.49***SIP communicationns
SGRQ impacts0.69***SIP body care/movement0.49***SIP social interactionns
SGRQ total0.69***SIP eating0.51***SIP mobility0.25*
SIP social interaction0.54***SIP overall0.32**
MACL0.54***SIP physical dimension0.34**
SIP psychosocial dimension0.56*** P a,O2 0.39**
SIP home management0.58***SGRQ impacts0.40***
HAD depression0.59***SIP recreation/pastimes0.41***
SIP ambulation0.60***SGRQ total0.42***
6MWD0.61***SIP eating0.42***
SIP mobility0.61***6MWD0.45***
SIP sleep and rest0.62***SIP home management0.46***
SIP physical dimension0.64***SIP ambulation0.49***
SIP overall0.69***SGRQ activity0.49***
P a,CO2 0.56***
  • Intra-scale correlations are not presented

  • ns: nonsignificant

  • *p<0.05

  • **p<0.01

  • ***p<0.001

  • No consideration has been taken to direction of correlations

  • Pa,O2: oxygen tension in arterial blood

  • Pa,CO2: carbon dioxide tension arterial blood

  • HADS: Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale

  • TLCO: carbon monoxide transfer factor

  • VC: vital capacity

  • MACL: Mood Adjective Check List

  • 6MWD: 6-min walking distance