Table 4

Levels of CC16 and other parameters in balf of control subjects and sarcoid patients classified according to the chest radiograph findings

ControlsSarcoid patientsp-Value#
Chest radiograph Stages
Subjects n74328
CC16 mg·L−10.46±0.180.40±0.430.52±0.340.06
Albumin mg·L−125.3±10.653.6±37.073.9±78.50.2
RBP µg·L−123.2±12.152.5±67.2100.6±126.10.053
Lymphocytosis %8.3±5.325.4±11.7*26.5±12.4*0.0001
CD4/ CD8 ratio0.8±0.25.6±4.9*4.4±6.7*0.004
Macrophages %91.5±5.170.8±12.5*71.5±12.4*0.008
Neutrophils %0.6±0.52.9±8.22.3±2.80.36
  • Values are given as arithmetic mean±sd

  • #: differences in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid levels between controls and sarcoid patients classified according to the chest radiograph stages were assessed by analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by the Fisher's least significant multiple comparison test

  • *: p<0.05 compared to controls

  • RBP: retinol binding protein