Long formUnitShort formDefinition
Tidal volume FRCmL V T,FRC Tidal volume preceding FRCp. Average over the last 5 breaths pre-occlusion
tI prior to FRCs t I,FRC Inspiratory time preceding FRCp. Average over the last 5 breaths pre-occlusion
tE prior to FRCs t E,FRC Expiratory time preceding FRCp. Average over the last 5 breaths pre-occlusion
ttot prior to FRCs t T,FRC Total breath time preceding FRCp. Calculated as tI+tE over 5 breaths pre-occlusion
RR prior to FRCL·min−1RRFRCRespiratory rate preceding FRCp. Calculated from the ttot-FRC parameter as RR=60/ttot
sd of EELmLEELssd of EEL measured relative to the baseline EEL calculated over 5 breaths prior to each FRC occlusion manoeuvre
Stability of EEL prior to FRCp%EEEls%Stability of EEL prior to FRCp, i.e. EELs expressed as a % of VT,FRC: EELs%=100×EELs/VT,FRC
% Change in EEL%ΔEEL%Change in EEL post-preocclusion, expressed as % of mean VT prior to occlusion
Ambient pressurekPa P amb Ambient pressure
Apparatus dead spacemL DS app Apparatus dead space including the mask
Occluded volumemL V occ Volume inspired above EEL at moment of occlusion
Total occluded gas volumemLTOGVTotal occluded gas volume, including Vocc and DSapp (including the effective dead space of the mask)
FRCplethmLFRCpMean functional residual capacity, i.e. (TOGV−DSappVocc)
CV of FRCp%FRCpCVCoefficient of variation (i.e. 100×(sd/mean)) of n accepted FRCp manoeuvres
No. of accepted FRCpFRCp,nNumber of accepted FRCp manoeuvres
Change in Pao,occkPaΔPaoMean change in Pao during respiratory efforts against the airway occlusion measured between 5%–95% of troughs and peaks respectively
Change in Vpleth,occmLΔVplethMean change in box volume during airway occlusion corresponding to ΔPao
Maximal inspiratory pressurekPa P I,max Minimal absolute value in Pao during inspiratory effort against the occlusion
Maximal inspiratory pressurekPa P E,max Maximal absolute value in Pao during expiratory effort against the occlusion
tI occludeds t I,occ Duration of the first inspiratory effort during airway occlusion (for use if assessing the strength of the Hering Breuer reflex). This parameter is only measured during EE occlusions. tI,occ is measured from the start of inspiration (taken from the tidal volume trace) immediately before an EE occlusion until the end of the first inspiratory effort, when Pao starts to rise during the occluded effort
tE occludeds t E,occ Duration of the first expiratory effort during airway occlusion. This parameter is only measured if EI occlusion is selected. The time is measured from the start of expiration (measured from the tidal volume trace) immediately before an EI occlusion, until Pao starts to fall during the airway occlusion
HBR-EE%HBR-EEStrength of Hering Breuer Reflex calculated from end expiratory occlusion as 100×(tI,occtIFRC)/tIFRC
HBR-EI%HBR-EIStrength of Hering Breuer Reflex calculated from end inspiratory occlusion as 100×(tE,occtEFRC)/tEFRC
Apparatus resistancekPa·L·s−1 R app Apparatus resistance
Specific airway resistancekPa·s−1sRawSee definition in text, which includes correction for apparatus resistance
Specific airway conductance1/(kPa·s−1)sGawSpecific airway conductance. Calculated as sGaw=1/sRaw
V eff mL V eff Lung volume used to convert specific effective airway resistance (see text)
V lv mL V lv Volume to convert sRlv (see text)
V hv mL V hv Volume to convert sRhv (see text)
Airway resistancekPa·L·s−1 R aw Effective airway resistance. Calculated as: Reff=sReff/Veff (where Veff=effective volume above FRC at time of Reff analysis – see text)
Airway conductanceL·s·kPa−1 G aw Airway conductance. Calculated as: Gaw=1/Raw
sRlvkPa·s−1sRlvSpecific airway resistance at low lung volume (i.e. end inspiratory and initial expiratory values – see text)
sRhvkPa·s−1sRhvSpecific airway resistance at high lung volume (i.e. end inspiratory to initial expiratory values – see text)
PEF during resistancemL·s−1PEFPeak tidal expiratory flow during resistance measurement as weighted mean from all accepted breaths
PIF during resistancemL·s−1PIFPeak tidal inspiratory flow during resistance measurement as weighted mean from all accepted breaths
No. of Raw R aw,n Number of accepted Raw breaths
CV of sRaw%sRawCVCoefficient of variation of sRaw
Exp to ins sRaw ratiosRE/IRatio of slope of end expiratory to initial inspiratory parts of the specific resistance loop, taken from above and below zero flow over a selected flow limit
Flow limit sRI%%VR,IPercentage of inspiratory peak flow, used for calculation of sRlv and sRhv
Flow limit sRE%%VR,EPercentage of expiratory peak flow, used for calculation of sRlv and sRhv
RR during RawL·min−1RRRawRespiratory rate during the resistance manoeuvre. The average over all breaths used in the resistance calculation is taken. Best is calculated from 60×(1/mean tI+mean tE)
Tidal volume RawmL V T,Raw
  • Suggested suffixes to denote specific type of analysis etc. (particularly during Raw measurements when so many options are available): eff: effective (e.g. Raw,eff); E: expiratory; I: inspiratory; tot: total; hv: high volume; lv: low volume; X% assessment at specified pre cent of peak inspiratory or expiratory flow (e.g. R50%I=Raw measured at 50% PIF, whereas sG75%E would be sGaw at 75% PEF); EEL: end expiratory level.