Table 2

Potential main modifiers of allergy markers according to population-based data

FactorsTotal IgESPT PositivityEosinophilsComments
Genetic markers+++Problematic for geneticists
Gender++±↑ IgE for men
↑ SPT for men
Ethnic group++±↑ IgE in some groups (genetic, environmental, social)
Individual susceptibility++?↑ IgE, ↑ atopy
Family history of atopy++?
Maternal age at birth+??↓ IgE in newborns of young mothers
Perinatal complications±??↑ IgE in newborns
Medication during pregnancy+??↑ IgE in newborns (progesterone)
Head circumference±?↑ IgE in adults and newborns if head circumference at birth ≥37 cm
Birth weight±?-↓ IgE in low birth weight
Birth month+?-↑ IgE during pollen season
Age+++Increase in youth and decrease with age
Infections±±-Depend on age of infection
Family size-+-Depends also on birth order
Maternal smoking during pregnancy±??Contradictory results for IgE
Active smoking+Inversely related+↑ IgE with active smoking ↑ eosinophils
Passive smoking±±±Among children
Allergens exposure++-
Month of test±?-↑ IgE during pollen season
Indoor pollution (humidity, mite)±±?↑ IgE mites
Outdoor pollution (NO2, SO2, diesel)±±?↑ IgE with diesel
Occupational exposure++?↑ IgE in individuals exposed to allergens, dust, gas and fumes
  • ?: No evidence, investigation is required; ±: uncertain relationship; +: established relationship; -: not yet studied in population-based samples; ↑: increase; ↓: decrease; SPT: skin prick test; NO2: nitrogen dioxide; IgE: immunoglobulin E.