Secondary end-points

Intention-to-treat analysisPer-protocol analysis
MP (n=337)DM (n=340)p-value#MP (n=279)DM (n=286)p-value#
Mechanical ventilation-free days at 28 days23.0 (14.0)24.0 (16.0)0.4924.0 (10.0)26.0 (8.0)0.09
 Invasive mechanical ventilation-free days at 28 days28.0 (0.0)28.0 (0.0)0.9228.0 (0.0)28.0 (0.0)0.93
Days of hospitalisation among survivors15.0 (11.0)14.0 (11.0)0.00515 (10.0)13 (10.0)0.001
Tracheostomy, n (%)8.0 (2.4)9.0 (2.6)0.823.0 (1.1)6.0 (2.1)0.33
CRP (mg·L−1)
 Day 332.0 (57.5)37.7 (56.6)0.16
 Day 78.6 (21.9)12.4 (28.9)0.006
 Day 145.0 (21.8)11.5 (36.2)0.0001
PaO2/FIO2 (mmHg)
 Day 3187.0 (132.0)192.0 (138.0)0.40
 Day 7213.0 (146.0)227.4 (151.0)0.20
 Day 14253.2 (159.0)264.4 (165.5)0.67
ICU referral, n (%)41.0 (12.2)45.0 (13.2)0.687.0 (2.1)19.0 (5.6)0.02

Data are presented as median (interquartile range), unless otherwise stated. MP: methylprednisolone; DM: dexamethasone; CRP: C-reactive protein; PaO2/FIO2: ratio of arterial oxygen tension (mmHg) to inspiratory oxygen fraction; ICU: intensive care unit. #: p-value of the Mann–Whitney test for numerical variables, or the Chi-squared test or Fisher's exact test for dichotomous variable, as appropriate.