Construction of easily comprehensible case definitions using Boolean operators

Case definitions can contain Boolean logical operators such as AND, OR and AT LEAST (see supplementary material S1 for examples of international case definitions in current use)
Symptom groupsReferred to in text as
 fever, cough, anosmiaCanonical symptoms (CS)
 headache, sore throat, muscle aches, appetite lossEarly-predictors (EP)
The EP were each combined individually with the CS using an “OR” operatorReferred to in text as
 fever OR cough OR anosmia OR headacheCS or headache
 fever OR cough OR anosmia OR sore throatCS or sore throat
 fever OR cough OR anosmia OR muscle achesCS or muscle aches
 fever OR cough OR anosmia OR appetite lossCS or appetite loss
The EP were all combined together with the CS using “AT LEAST” and “OR” operatorsReferred to in text as
 fever OR cough OR anosmia OR AT LEAST 1 of headache, sore throat, muscle  aches and appetite loss≥1 of the CS, or ≥1 of the EP
 fever OR cough OR anosmia OR AT LEAST 2 of headache, sore throat, muscle  aches and appetite loss≥1 of the CS, or ≥2 of the EP
 fever OR cough OR anosmia OR AT LEAST 3 of headache, sore throat, muscle  aches and appetite loss≥1 of the CS, or ≥3 of the EP
 fever OR cough OR anosmia OR AT LEAST 4 of headache, sore throat, muscle  aches and appetite loss≥1 of the CS, or ≥4 of the EP