Immunosuppressive therapies for sarcoidosis

DrugUsual dosageMajor toxicitiesRecommended monitoringComments
Prednisone/prednisoloneInitial 20 mg once a day; follow-up 5–10 mg once a day to once every other dayDiabetes; hypertension; weight gain; osteoporosis; cataracts; glaucoma; moodinessBone density; blood pressure and serum glucoseCumulative toxicity
Methotrexate10–15 mg once a weekNausea; leukopenia; hepatotoxicity; pulmonaryCBC, hepatic, renal serum testingCleared by kidney, avoid in significant renal failure
Leflunomide10–20 mg once a dayNausea; leukopenia; hepatotoxicity; pulmonaryCBC, hepatic, renal serum testingCleared by kidney, avoid in significant renal failure
Azathioprine50–250 mg once a dayNausea; leukopenia; infections; malignancyCBC
Mycophenolate mofetil500–1500 mg twice a dayDiarrhoea; leukopenia; infections; malignancyCBCLess experience in sarcoidosis than other agents
Infliximab or biosimilars#3–5 mg·kg−1 initially, 2 weeks later, then once every 4–6 weeksInfections; allergic reactionScreen for prior TB; monitor for allergic reactions; contraindicated in severe CHF, prior malignancy, demyelinating neurologic disease, active TB, deep fungal infectionsAllergic reactions can be life threatening
Adalimumab#40 mg every 1–2 weeksInfectionsScreen for prior TB; monitor for allergic reactions; contraindicated in severe CHF, prior malignancy, demyelinating neurologic disease, active TB, deep fungal infectionsLess toxic than infliximab
Rituximab#500–1000 mg every 1–6 monthsInfectionsScreen for viral hepatitis; check IgG level with chronic therapyHigh risk for viral reactivation; can lead to IgG deficiency
RCI#40–80 units twice a weekDiabetes; hypertension; oedema; anxietyMonitor glucose and blood pressureMost of toxicity is on day of injection
Hydroxychloroquine200–400 mg once a dayLoss of visionOcular exams periodically depending on age and renal functionMinimal impact on cardiac and neurologic disease

More details regarding dosages, major toxicities and monitoring are given in supplement S1 in the supplementary material and adapted from prior reports [4, 3948]. CBC: complete blood count; TB: tuberculosis; CHF: congestive heart failure; RCI: repository corticotropin injection. #: use reserved for patients who have failed prior treatments with steroids and/or antimetabolites.